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GPFSeminars 2020

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Time:   7. February 2020, 11:00h
Place:   Institute of Physics, room 360
Speaker:   Ljubica Davidovic
Title:   T-duality in a weakly curved background
We will present a generalized T-dualization procedure which we developed for the bosonic string moving in a coordinate dependent background. The generalized procedure is applicable to an arbitrary coordinate, what enabled the T-dualization along the background field's arguments. We will present the results of a partial T-dualization, by which the T-dualization diagram was formed, connecting all theories obtained by T-dualization along arbitrarily chosen coordinates. We will show the corrections obtained by studying the weakly curved background of the second order. The symmetries of the bosonic string will be discussed, as well as T-duality of an open string with Neumann and mixed boundary conditions.

Time:   31. January 2020, 11:00h
Place:   Institute of Physics, room 360
Speaker:   Igor Salom
Title:   Three-particle hyperspherical harmonics
The topic of the lecture will be the three-particle permutation symmetryc O(6) hyperspherical harmonics --- their construction, properties and applications in the context of three-quark bound states. These harmonics represent a natural basis of functions for solving the nonrelativistic three-body Schrodinger equation in three spatial dimensions. First we will show that the mathematically correct construction of three-particle harmonics must be based on the chain of subgroups S_3 X SO(3)_rot \subset O(2) X SO(3)_rot \subset O(6), and then we will demonstrate how these harmonics can be explicitly calculated. Next we will analyze the transformation properties of these harmonics, explain how to calculate their matrix elements, and finally apply all these results to estimate the low energy levels of three-quark bound states for the cases of effective Δ and Y potentials.

Time:   22. January 2020, 11:00h
Place:   Faculty of Physics, room 661
Speaker:   Dusko Latas
Title:   Noncommutative model of cosmology
We will present a noncommmutative model of de Sitter space in which the coordinates are defined via the algebra of the de Sitter group SO(1,4). We will discuss the spectrum of these coordinates, with special attention devoted to the time coordinate. It will be demonstrated that the spectrum of the cosmological time is discrete and the radius of the Universe is bounded from below, thereby avoiding the Big Bang singularity.

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