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GPFSeminars 2007

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Time:   26. December 2007, 11:00h
Place:   Institute of Physics, room 300
Speaker:   Nemanja Kaloper
Title:   Cosmological Constant and Other Dark Thoughts
We review the cosmological constant problem with particular attention to its gravitational aspects, and give a critical survey of the attempts to explain cosmic acceleration to date.

Time:   16. November 2007, 11:00h
Place:   Institute of Physics, room 300
Speaker:   Marko Vojinović
Title:   Particle motion in spaces with curvature and torsion
We examine particle motion in Riemann-Cartan spacetime assuming that it has nonzero orbital angular momentum and/or spin. The most interesting result is for the case of Dirac particle, which does not couple to curvature but only to torsion, in single-pole approximation. We compare this result with previous known results and discuss the difference.

Time:   03. August 2007, 11:00h
Place:   Institute of Physics, room 300
Speaker:   Tatjana Vukašinac
Title:   Polymer quantum mechanics and its continuum limit
Polymer quantum mechanics was recently introduced in the context of loop quantum gravity. We analize basic properties of this representation of quantum mechanics and its relation with the standard Schroedinger representation. We construct the dynamics as the appropriate continuum limit of effective theories, defined at different scales. As a result, we obtain the physical Hilbert space in which the continuum Hamiltonian can be represented, and this representation is unitarily equivalent to the Schroedinger representation.

Time:   22. June 2007, 11:00h
Place:   Institute of Physics, room 300
Speaker:   Marko Vojinović
Title:   Noncommutative Geometry via A. Sitarz
We give a short review of the course on Noncommutative Geometry held by A. Sitarz at the Advanced Summer School on Integrable Systems and Quantum Symmetries (Prague, June 8 - 13, 2007), with the emphasis on the alternative approach to the subject by mathematicians as opposed to physicists. We quote some basic and interesting results skipping the most of the big (6 lectures long) exposition.

Time:   18. June 2007, 12:00h
Place:   Institute of Physics, room 300
Speaker:   Milorad Popović
Title:   Near Future of Fermilab and Neutrino Physics
In the following, we describe a vision for the long-term national/international high energy physics program that takes the U.S. back to the energy frontier. The vision is muon-based, ultimately leading to a multi-TeV muon collider.

Time:   08. June 2007, 11:00h
Place:   Institute of Physics, room 300
Speaker:   Voja Radovanović
Title:   Deformed SUSY space (part II)

Time:   01. June 2007, 11:00h
Place:   Institute of Physics, room 300
Speaker:   Voja Radovanović
Title:   Deformed SUSY space (part I)

Time:   23. March 2007, 11:00h
Place:   Institute of Physics, room 300
Speaker:   Branislav Cvetković
Title:   Supersymmetric 3D Gravity with Torsion: Asymptotic Symmetries
We study the structure of asymptotic symmetries in N=1+1 supersymmetric extension of three-dimensional gravity with torsion. Using a natural generalization of the bosonic anti-de Sitter asymptotic conditions, we show that the asymptotic Poisson bracket algebra of the canonical generators has the form of two independent super-Virasoro algebras with different central charges.

Time:   09. March 2007, 11:00h
Place:   Institute of Physics, room 300
Speaker:   Marko Vojinović
Title:   Interaction of String with the Particle
Within the framework of generalized Papapetrou method, we derive the effective equations of motion for a string with two particles attached at the ends, along with appropriate boundary conditions. The equations of motion are the usual Nambu-Goto-like equations, while boundary conditions turn out to be equations of motion for the particles at the string ends. The form of those equations is discussed, with the emphasis on the force that the string exerts on the particle. It turns out that this force has some formal similarity with the Lorentz force law of electrodynamics.

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