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GPFSeminars 2014

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Time:   19. November 2014, 11:00h
Place:   Faculty of Physics, room 661
Speaker:   Fedele Lizzi
Title:   Noncommutative Geometry and the Standard Model
I will introduce the approach to the standard model based on noncommutative geometry as pionereed by Chamseddine and Connes. I will (re)-introduce the spectral action, and its predictive power. I will then discuss the issues relating the gauge symmetries of the standard model and almost commutative geometries.

Time:   18. November 2014, 16:00h
Place:   Faculty of Physics, room 750
Speaker:   Fedele Lizzi
Title:   Spectral Action and the Noncommutative Standard Model
We continue with the introduction to noncommutative geometry and discuss the noncommutative extension of the standard model.

Time:   14. November 2014, 11:00h
Place:   Institute of Physics, room 300
Speaker:   Fedele Lizzi
Title:   Spectral Geometry
I will introduce the view of geometry based on the algebraic approach. The formalism is built in such a way that it can be generalized to the case in which the algebra, implicitly defining the space, is noncommutative, hence a ``noncommutative geometry''. I will then discuss the natural action for these spaces, the spectral action, and some of its properties with respect to renormalization.

Time:   22. September 2014, 15:00h
Place:   Institute of Physics, room "Zvonko Maric"
Speaker:   Marko Vojinovic
Title:   Short Course on Quantum Gravity (part four)
In the final lecture we will conclude the overview of the canonical quantization, and briefly mention the application of the theory to concrete cases. We will analyze the structure of the scalar constraint and the so-called Thiemann trick, we shall describe how to add matter fields to the formalism, give a brief sketch of the calculation of the black hole entropy, and we will mention the main features of Loop Quantum Cosmology and the Big Bounce model. At the end we will discuss the open problems of the theory, as well as the directions for further research. As usual, we will try to present the material slowly and methodically.

Time:   17. September 2014, 15:00h
Place:   Institute of Physics, room 300
Speaker:   Marko Vojinovic
Title:   Short Course on Quantum Gravity (part three)
The third lecture will be devoted to the remaining aspects of canonical quantization which were not covered in the previous lecture. After that we will deal with the covariant quantization of gravity within the so-called spinfoam models --- we will introduce the Regge calculus, path integral quantization of the topological field theory, enforcing the simplicity constraints and main features of the resulting models of quantum gravity. As before, we will try to present all material slowly and methodically.

Time:   10. September 2014, 15:00h
Place:   Institute of Physics, room 300
Speaker:   Marko Vojinovic
Title:   Short Course on Quantum Gravity (part two)
In the second lecture we will discuss the nonperturbative canonical quantization of the gravitational field, within the so-called canonical Loop Quantum Gravity formalism. We will discuss the choice of canonical variables, as well as geometry observables, the state space for gravitational field, spin-network basis, evolution equation and the problem of time, coupling to matter fields and open problems in the theory. We will also briefly mention Loop Quantum Cosmology, as well as the calculation of the black hole entropy within the LQG formalism. As in the previous lecture, we will aim to present all material slowly and methodically.

Time:   3. September 2014, 12:00h
Place:   Institute of Physics, room 300
Speaker:   Marko Vojinovic
Title:   Short Course on Quantum Gravity (part one)
The problem of quantization of gravity is one of the fundamental problems of modern physics. In this sequence of lectures we will discuss the formulation and various approaches to the solution of this problem, with particular attention to the Loop Quantum Gravity program. The lectures are aimed at students, so the material will be presented slowly and methodically, while assuming only the elementary background on quantum field theory and general relativity. The complete material should be covered through a four-lecture course.

Time:   13. June 2014, 11:00h
Place:   Institute of Physics, room 300
Speaker:   Dragoljub Gocanin
Title:   Wilson's renormalization (part II)
We will give an elementary introduction to the theory of the renormalization group (RG) in the context of quantum field theory. Conceptual aspects of Wilson's approach to renormalization will be emphasized and contrasted to the standard perturbative approach. The main results will be demonstrated and discussed for the case of the real scalar field. The continuum limit of this theory will be considered, as well as the issue of triviality.

Time:   13. June 2014, 11:00h
Place:   Institute of Physics, room 300
Speaker:   Djordje Sijacki
Title:   Flavoured Standard Model

Time:   6. June 2014, 11:00h
Place:   Institute of Physics, room 300
Speaker:   Dragoljub Gocanin
Title:   Wilson's renormalization
We will give an elementary introduction to the theory of the renormalization group (RG) in the context of quantum field theory. Conceptual aspects of Wilson's approach to renormalization will be emphasized and contrasted to the standard perturbative approach. The main results will be demonstrated and discussed for the case of the real scalar field. The continuum limit of this theory will be considered, as well as the issue of triviality.

Time:   30. May 2014, 11:00h
Place:   Institute of Physics, room 300
Speaker:   Marko Vojinovic
Title:   The cosmological constant problem in the spincube model of quantum gravity
The cosmological constant problem is one of the main unsolved problems in quantum field theory, and it is expected to be somehow resolved within the context of some theory of quanutm gravity. As it turns out, the spincube model of quantum gravity indeed does offer a plausible resolution of the cosmological constant problem. We will present the results obtained so far in this direction, as well as some issues that require further research.

Time:   16. May 2014, 11:00h
Place:   Institute of Physics, room 300
Speaker:   Nikola Konjik
Title:   Massive gravitation and Stuckelberg's trick (part II)

Time:   9. May 2014, 11:00h
Place:   Institute of Physics, room 300
Speaker:   Nikola Konjik
Title:   Massive gravitation and Stuckelberg's trick

Time:   14. February 2014, 11:00h
Place:   Institute of Physics, room 300
Speaker:   Luka Nenadovic
Title:   Majorana and Weyl spinors in arbitrary dimensions
We review some basic properties of Clifford algebra and calculate the dimension of spinor representation in arbitrary dimension. By giving the overview of Majorana and Weyl conditions in arbitrary dimension with Minkowski metric we conclude in which dimension it is possible to have both Majorana and Weyls spinors. It will be shown how this can be extended to arbitrary signature.

Time:   17. January 2014, 11:00h
Place:   Institute of Physics, room 300
Speaker:   Olivera Miskovic
Title:   Black holes and symmetries in Chern-Simons AdS gravity
We analyze spherically symmetric, static black hole solutions in 5D Chern-Simons AdS gravity with electric charge introduced through a U(1) extension of AdS group. We discuss different static black hole solutions of this theory that appear in the literature. Then we find the most general spherically symmetric, electrically charged solution, expected to contain all other solutions as particular cases. However, we discover that our ansatz possesses less physical degrees of freedom than expected. This happens due to appearance of “accidental” local symmetries in the chosen region of phase space of the theory.

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